Theo Ellin Ballew (deepest known matronym Srebrna or Silver) writes poetry and/or code. All their work is fictional. Theo's first book of poems, An Inch Thick, is a cyberpunk life story forthcoming with Ornithopter Press in October 2024. Other static writing (poetry) appears in Ugly Duckling Presse's Second Factory, Everybody Press Journal; 1080 Press's 240P; Abobo Zine (forthcoming); Beautiful Days Press's Works & Days; Action, Spectacle; 3AM; Juked; Litro; Bone Bouquet; and elsewhere. Theo's mobile writing (browser-based art, e-poetry,, etc.) has been shown online with The Wrong Biennale; External Pages; Tagvverk; screen_;; and Ghost Proposal—and in-person with Electronic Literature Organization; Compás 88; El Quinto Piso; Bandini Espacio Cultural; IK-Projects; and Yeah Maybe.

Theo also founded and directs, a literary journal of web-native poetry/art. They have taught computational art/poetry and cyberfeminism in departments like NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications Program (most often and most recently), RISD’s Digital + Media, Brown’s Literary Arts, Brooklyn College's Art Department, and The New School's Communication Design. They hold an MFA in Literary Arts (Digital Language Arts) from Brown and a BA in Literature from Yale. Theo is from the U.S. desert and the greater southwest, especially Phoenix.

If you'd like me to make your website (or if you want to be internet friends), please contact me:

Theo Ellin Ballew
Theo Ellin Ballew
Theo Ellin Ballew